Assalamualaikum wrm wbth and Salam Mesra
Dear esteem members of QS Division RISM
To begin, I would like to express my gratitude to Allah SWT for providing us with this opportunity to serve RISM QS Division for the 2021/2022 session. Perhaps it is not too late for us to reflect what the coming year has in store for us. I realize that we in the construction industry will need patience and resilience to survive the post-pandemic economic challenges. We pledge to do everything we can to continue to raise the bar for the QS profession to an even higher level.
Quantity surveying may often be overlooked by the uninitiated when compared to other professions in the construction industry but quantity surveyors play an important role in all construction projects, as they oversee all costs associated, working closely with contractors and clients from the outset, and keeping a close eye on any variations that could cause cost fluctuations during the building process.
I would like to encourage all QS RISM members to reflect on their role in raising public awareness and understanding of the QS profession. We must realise that our success is determined not only by our past achievements but also by our current actions and future visionary plans and execution. I am optimistic about the Institution's and the Quantity Surveying profession's future growth and prosperity.
The top 5 priorities of the QS Division are improving QS services in new sectors, data and BIM technology, professionalism, strategic partnership with professional institutions, and enhancing the public image of QS through high-impact activities.
Hence, quantity surveyors must invest in and enhance their work practises to stay agile and keep up with the tremendous change in the construction industry both locally and globally. To enhance the productivity of our construction industry in Malaysia, our industry professionals must prepare to be on par with other global players in terms of capacity, components, and capability. As much as the QS profession has evolved, it is also expecting more challenges to emerge in the near future. 2021, marked the era of digital taking off and welcome BIM. In this regard, Quantity Surveyors must be flexible and evolve with changing market demands in order for the profession to remain relevant.
I would also like to use this opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the members of the 2020/2021 Session of the QS Division who concluded their term of service in July, for their dedicated and diligent service. Your remarkable efforts have propelled our profession to new heights. We welcome the new members of the QS Division Committee (2021-2022). Finally, I wish you all the best and hope that our endeavour is a huge success.
Sr Nazir Muhamad Nor
Chairman, QS Division RISM
Cost Trend for Cement in Selangor (2017 to 2021)
This chart shows the pricing trends of bagged cement in Selangor, for the period 2017-2021. Prices for this trend analysis are sourced from CIDB, which are based on the nett transaction price between contractors (across different grades in selected states or cities) and suppliers (manufacturers and distributors) under normal credit terms and for bulk purchase.
From 2017 to 2021, bagged cement prices in Selangor experienced major fluctuations with prices trying to slowly adjusting to 2017 level. Cement prices recorded the highest price at RM18.67 per 50kg bag between May 2017 and June 2017 while the lowest material prices in May 2021at RM11.40 per bag.
Since 2017, the price maintains a decreasing trend to the lowest RM12.00/50kg bag in October 2018. Stayed low for five months and begin to increase again slowly in March 2019 and as a result of YTL taking over Lafarge Malaysia, cement price has been on a slow and steady increase.
Another price hike is observed in January 2020 to bring the cement price to RM16.50. Since then the price has remained stagnant at RM16.50 until September 2020 before dropping its price starting from October 2020 to May 2021 possibly due to low construction activities during the Movement Control Order (MCO) of Covid-19 pandemic. June 2021 slowly increasing with its price is at RM15.60 in July 2021.
Cost Trend for Steel Reinforcement Bar in Selangor (2017 to 2021)
The pricing trends shown is for steel reinforcement bar (mild steel round bar) in Selangor during 2017-2021 period. Prices for this trend analysis are sourced from CIDB, which are based on the nett transaction price between contractors (across different grades in selected states or cities) and suppliers (manufacturers and distributors) under normal credit terms and for bulk purchase.
Generally the price levels and movement trends are mostly similar across the different dimensions ranging from RM2,240 per tonne to RM3,000 per tonne between 2017 to 2020. However, the price starts to increase at the beginning of December 2020 at RM3,035 per tonne until July 2021 at RM3,580 per tonne. The highest material prices at RM3605.00 per tonne in May 2021 while the lowest material prices at RM2,240.00 per tonne in November and December 2019.
The price of reinforcement bar dipped to RM2,200 in Q2, 2019 was due to the introduction of the Anti-damping Act. The mills are not running in full capacity, only operating on one shift. High raw material prices due to partial recovery of global steel demand has caused the iron ore price to go up and resulted in higher selling price for the finished long product. Besides that the credit limits or market payment days are stretched. This result in longer wait for payments and pushing up the finance cost.
Source: Building Cost Information Services Malaysia (BCISM)
High Performance Project Team - “322 days ahead of expected project completion and RM3 million cost saving”

Figure 1: The Kota Bharu Court Complex, Kelantan Darul Naim.
The construction of The Kota Bharu Court Complex yielded commendable and extraordinary results due to the great collaboration between the contractor and the Public Works Department. The project which consists of three High Courts, five-section courts, and magistrate courts was constructed using the Industrialised Building System (IBS).
The extraordinary achievement of the project was demonstrated by its completion 322 days ahead of the expected date of completion. The Minister of Works at that time, Yang Berhormat Tuan Baru Bian indicated that the contractor, Cakna Enterprise Sdn Bhd has shown a great focus and good example in completing the project. Apart from that, the project managed to achieve sixteen (16) in one (1) achievement, which includes Zero Variation Order, Zero Major Defects, four (4) stars for Green Rating, and scored 76.13 of IBS scoring. The Main Contractor, Cakna Enterprise Sdn Bhd has been awarded a Letter of Appreciation by the Public Works Department of Kelantan due to their excellent performance.
Project Details
Date of commencement: 2nd June 2016
Date of completion: 1st April 2020
Date of actual completion: 15th May 2019
Initial Cost of Contract: RM 96,730,888.88
Final Cost of Contract: RM 93,724,392.46
Cost Saving: RM 3,006,496.46
Type of Contract: Design and Build
Design & Build Contractor: Cakna Enterprise Sdn Bhd
Webinar on Introduction To Malaysian Standard Method of Measurement (MySMM) and Standard Library
Construction Technology Book
The Construction Technology acts as a reference providing the basic tenets of construction under the Malaysian scene. It includes earthwork, sub-structure, and superstructure (floors, frame, stairs, roof, brickwall, doors and windows, finishes as well as plants and machineries). It is written with the conviction that brief explanations with ample illustrations and photographs to depict the real-life construction situations assist in linking the knowledge and practice apart from ease of understanding and comprehension.
The core concept of this reference revolves around providing supplementary lecture support material for construction students and lecturers. This reference underlines the rudimentary knowledge a student should acquire especially in their first year of any construction related qualification. Besides that, it also equips construction professionals or technologist with the necessary basic knowledge in relation to construction technology and activities, in enabling them to comprehend and take on discussions with related specialist.
In making this refence well within reach to all readers, we have determined that it should be in the form of e-book. This is in line with the current digitalized construction industry and in support of sustainability.
The book contributors its an academicians comes from university and polytechnics in Malaysia, which there are 13 contributors who comes together as one to make this book possible.