Tel: 603 – 79551773 / 79569728 | Fax : 603-79550253
[email protected]

International membership is now available under the Constitution and Byelaws of RISM under Article 10. An associate member as under Article 10 it reads:

  1. Any person who is professionally qualified, licensed or registered to practise surveying in a country other than Malaysia and who is not eligible to become a Member of the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia ordinarily, shall be eligible for election as an Associate.
  2. Such a person shall obtain prior approval of the General Council to be so elected as an Associate.
  3. Associate shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the Institution except that they shall not eligible to hold any office of the Institution nor have any voting rights.

As an Associate member you are entitled to The Malaysian Surveyor and the RISM bulletin, which is available in soft copy half yearly and quarterly respectively. RISM also has library facilities and this will be available electronically as well. An Associate member is eligible to use the initial ARISM after his/her name.

The following are the membership fees:

Membership fee - USD 50/- (one-off)

Yearly subscription - USD150/annum

(All payments must be made in USD (US Dollars))

We are certain that with your participation, RISM will be able to reach greater heights as an Institution and become a more effective regional and international voice in surveying.

We attach herewith the application form and the brochure about the Institution for your kind attention.

[email protected]
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