Page 10 - Surveyor 50.1
P. 10

PPeeeerr RReevviieeww

The Malaysian Surveyor

save the overall costs shows that the 48%          60
respondents are agree while another 46%
are strongly agree. The remaining 2%               50
for each natural, disagree and strongly
disagree by the building occupants.                40                                                           Comfortable with
For comfortable with temperature inside
the green office building, as illustrated in       30 Satisfaction with indooe air
figure 5, shows that the highest response
is agree with 50% of the comfort abilities                                                                                                                               provide
with the temperature there. While 26% was
a strongly agree with the temperature and          20
next is 20% for the natural level and the
least is 4% for strongly disagree level of                                                                                                                               The temprature in this
temperature inside the building. Besides                                                                                                                                 building is more practically
that, for satisfaction with the indoor air
quality, the provided survey displays the          10 during all time
highest with 50% respondents agreed and
followed by strongly agree with 32% and            0                     Agree  Natural  Disagree     Strongly
remaining is natural with 10% and both                                                                Disagree
disagree and strongly disagree with 4%                       Strongly
of respondents. As for the temperature                         agree
in this building is more practical during
all time, it shows the highest response as             Figure 5: The Effective Ranking of Indoor Air Quality Element Based on
agree with 42% of level for temperature in             Equipment Applied
this building are more practical during all
time. While the strongly agree with 26%            45                                                                  Quality of recycle bin
and followed by natural with 20% and               40                                                                  Quantity of recycle bin
last is disagree with 12% of respondents           35                                                                  Colour of bin
towards the temperature in this green              30
office building.                                   25                    Agree  Natural     Disagree  Strongly
Figure 6 shows the quality of recycle bin          20
provided in the case study building with           15
the highest percentage which is 40% for            10
agree voting and 32% for strongly agree             5
respondents and followed by 18% for the             0
natural voting by the green office building
occupants and the lowest is disagree                           Strongly
answers that gain 10% of respondents.                            agree
Besides that, for the quantity of bin
provided in this building, it is illustrated that      Figure 6: The Effective Ranking of Innovation Element Based on
the highest level of the agreed occupants              Equipment Applied
with quantity of bin provided is 36% for
strongly agree answer and followed by              level of agreed occupants with 38% and          4.0 Discussion
30% for agree and next is 22% for natural          followed by natural 30% and agrees with
level and the least is 12% for the disagree        28% and the bottom one is both disagree         In general, it can be said that the office
level of quantity of bin provided. Other           and strongly disagree with 2% of level          building are applying and implementing the
than that, the colour of bin is very helpful       answered by the said respondents.               Green Building criteria well. The findings
in recycling method showing the highest

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