Page 14 - Surveyor 50.1
P. 14

PPeeeerr RReevviieeww

The Malaysian Surveyor

2.4 Access                                   users. It includes: Giving equal importance     -	 Assuring the customer that his/her
                                             to all users’ request. Interactions                    problem will be handled.
Access measures the ability to reach out     between employee and customer are
for something and finding or getting it, as  very important to reflect the empathy           2.7 Tangible
and when it is needed. It includes:          measurement. Empathy is an important
                                             factor of customer’s satisfaction.              Tangibles refer to physical facilities of
-	 Waiting time at circulation desk.                                                         library premises, up-to-date equipment
-	 Availability of computer terminals        2.6 Communication                               and appearance of the library’s personnel.

       without excessive waiting.            Communications measures the ability to          3.0 Research
-	 Library hours meeting expectations.       keep clients informed in a language they        Methodology and
-	 Location and convenience of the library.  understand, and the ability to listen to them:  Findings

2.5 Empathy                                  -	 Avoiding library jargon.                     The scope of the study focuses on the
                                             -	 Determining the needs of the client          public library in Klang Valley. The selected
Empathy measures the behaviour, attitude
and approach of the library staffs towards          through gentle follow-up questions.

    Table 1: Response rate

    Library in three locations               Frequency      Percent  Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

    University Malaya Library                     30          37.5            37.5           37.5
    Selangor State Library                        25          31.3
    National Library                              25          31.3            31.3           68.8
    National Library                              80          100.0           31.3           100.0
                                                                              100.0          30

    Count  20 Problems in Public Library

                                                   Bar Chart


                                                                                                                               Library had no material on
           15 the subject

                                                                                                                               I could not find the material
                                                                                                                               Staff could not find the material
                                                                                                                               Library computer always down
                                                                                                                               All computer were in use
                                                                                                                               I don’t know how to use computer
                                                                                                                               Could not find item on shelf


           0                                                National Library
              University Malaya Library Shah Alam Library


              Figure 1: Problems occurred in library

   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19