Page 17 - Surveyor 50.1
P. 17
User’s Satisfaction towards Library Facilities in Malaysia
Vol.50 No.1 2015
Table 3: Mean data of facilities and services in public library
Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error
1. Overall collection 3.16 .082 .737
2. Availability of reading materials I want 3.20 .070 .624
3. Ability to obtain materials from other libraries 3.08 .083 .742
4. Comfort/Cleanliness 3.56 .103 .926
5. Convenience to my home 3.29 .089 .799
6. Helpfulness/Courtesy of library personnel 3.09 .094 .845
7. Ease in finding materials 3.08 .085 .759
8. Ease in checking out library materials 3.46 .092 .826
9. Ease of parking 3.23 .102 .914
10. Book collection 3.43 .077 .689
11. Media collection 3.29 .078 .697
12. Number of staff 3.35 .089 .797
13. Seating/furniture 3.34 .107 .954
14. Building size 3.43 .105 .938
15. Building quality 3.31 .100 .894
16. Telephone service 3.09 .094 .845
17. Reference service 3.04 .095 .849
18. Children's programming 3.06 .093 .832
19. Materials in other languages 2.83 .100 .897
20. Adult Programmes 3.13 .091 .817
21. Display Area 3.09 .093 .830
data is on the range between 3.10 until among others. While getting material 4.0 Discussion
3.55. This means that the respondents from other language is the lowest value
agreed that the facilities provided by the from all 21 questions.Table 3.0 and From the research on the user’s
respective public library are in a range of Figure 4.0 explained about perception of satisfaction in public library, there were
good to very good. user towards facilities and services of three public libraries selected which is
public library. The mean value is located the National Library, the Shah Alam State
Table 3.0 and Figure 4.0 explained about between 2.83 to 3.49. This means that the Library and the University of Malaya
perception of user towards facilities and perception of facilities is located between Library. The important aspect in public
services of public library. The mean value adequate and good. Ability to obtain library includes how customers or users
is located between 2.83 to 3.49. This material from other library is getting the experience the physical environment,
means that the perception of facilities best perception among others. While the convenience and accessibility of
is located between adequate and good. getting material from other language is materials, the collections and technology,
Ability to obtain material from other the lowest value from all 21 questions. how customers are treated by librarians
library is getting the best perception in every contact in the library, and the