Page 16 - Surveyor 50.1
P. 16
PPeeeerr RReevviieeww
The Malaysian Surveyor
Count Experience in using library’s facilities
20 Bar Chart
Very easy to use
10 Some what easy to use
Some what difficult to use
All computers were in use
0 National Library
University Malaya Library Shah Alam Library
Figure 3: Experience in using Library’s Facilities
Table 2: Facilities of public library and its statistical data
Physical condition N Sum Mean Std. Std.
Error Deviation
248 3.10 Statistic
273 3.41
1. Condition of the outside of the library 80 257 3.21 .077 .686
256 3.20 .100 .896
2. Condition of the inside of the library 80 249 3.11 .092 .822
248 3.10 .084 .753
3. Ease of access entering the building 80 272 3.40 .087 .779
270 3.38 .092 .821
4. Ease of access inside the library 80 290 3.63 .116 1.038
284 3.55 .096 .862
5. Sign and signage 80 271 3.39 .104 .933
.108 .967
6. Layout and arrangement 80 .107 .961
7. Provision of seating and tables 80
8. Time waiting and service Selangor State Library 80
9. Cleanliness 80
10. Lighting 80
11. Acoustics 80